Laser Services

Alamance Skin Center performs various Laser Services.

Facial Veins (telangiectasias)

Whether you’re a man or a woman, you may have noticed fine, little red veins on the nose, chin, or cheeks. These are telangiectasias or facial spider veins, and they appear on both men and women as a normal part of aging. They can also result from pregnancy, childbirth, birth control pills, estrogen-replacement therapy, sun damage, the skin condition called rosacea, or even corticosteroids. Although not usually a medical problem, telangiectasias can be an aesthetic one that make-up may not cover adequately.

In the past, there was little you could do about spider veins. But now laser technology has revolutionized treatment so that telangiectasias can be virtually erased.

Alamance Skin Center uses the Lumenis One laser apparatus that provides the most cutting edge treatments for facial veins. It has YAG laser capabilities as well as Vascular IPL (intense pulse light) capabilities to best customize each patient’s treatment for facial veins.


Rosacea is a condition characterized by redness of the cheeks and nose associated with dilated blood vessels of the face and sometimes pimples and thickening of the skin and nose.

Rosacea, in general, can benefit from laser treatment to eliminate the blood vessels of the face associated with rosacea.

We use our Lumenis One laser with YAG and IPL capabilities to eliminate redness and blood vessel formation associated with rosacea.

Leg Veins

Spider veins are wavy, thin reddish-purple veins that are visible on the legs. Often they are clustered on the thigh or below the knee. At Alamance Skin Center we have great results with treatment of these veins with our Lumenis One using YAG and Vascular IPL (intense pulse light) capabilities.

Spider veins, or telangiectasias, affect as many as 80% of all women as they grow older, and a large percentage of men too. The cause is largely genetic, although other culprits include pregnancy, childbirth, use of birth-control pills, estrogen-replacement therapy, previous injury, and the use of corticosteroids.

Telangiectasias are not usually a medical problem, but they may make you reluctant to wear a bathing suit or a pair of shorts.

In the past, there was little you could do about spider veins. But now laser technology has revolutionized treatment so that many spider veins can be virtually erased.

XTRAC Laser System

The XTRAC laser system for psoriasis is now covered by Medicare and most major medical healthcare plans. Schedule an evaluation with one of our physicians and see how quickly you can be on the road to remission of your psoriasis plaque lesions!

The XTRAC laser solution process is simple.

  • Step 1 – See one of our physicians for an evaluation
  • Step 2 – Schedule a brief test dose
  • Step 3 – Have your test dose read one day later
  • Step 4 – Start treatments, two or three times weekly

As a psoriasis patient, you may experience a remission period for a number of months that may allow you to put away your topical treatments and enjoy the benefits of your excimer laser treatments: effective clearing, quick results, and no messy creams!

If you suffer from psoriasis, you know the frustrations: stubborn skin plaques that don’t respond to gels or creams…hours spent in phototherapy… Finally – you can enjoy long lasting, effective relief from the painful, disfiguring symptoms of psoriasis – in just a few short treatments. With the revoluntionary XTRAC excimer laser system you can feel good about yourself again, without worrying about lengthy time commitments or harmful side effects. Just a few minutes with XTRAC could change your life.

XTRAC laser treats unsightly white spot and skin discoloration.

If surgical scars, stretch marks, burns or injury from trauma or laser skin resurfacing has left your skin with unsightly white spots and uneven skin color, now you can enjoy an end to your embarrassment. The revolutionary XTRAC excimer laser has been shown to provide effective treatment for this condition which is known as leukoderma, or loss of pigment. In a few brief treatment sessions, the XTRAC system can help return much of your natural pigment and restore your confidence in your appearance.

Laser Treatment for Psoriasis

Love the skin you’re living in!

If you suffer from psoriasis, you know the frustrations: stubborn skin plaques that don´t respond to gels or creams… hours spent in phototherapy…

Finally – you can enjoy long lasting, effective relief from the painful, disfiguring symptoms of psoriasis – in just a few short treatments. With the revolutionary XTRAC excimer laser system, you can feel good about yourself again, without worrying about lengthy time commitments or harmful side effects. Just a few minutes with XTRAC could change your life.

The XTRAC excimer laser system is light-years ahead of other psoriasis treatments. Using a carefully focused beam of laser light delivered through a sophisticated fiber-optic device, the XTRAC system can treat unsightly psoriatic skin plaques quickly and effectively. Because it concentrates light on active lesions, XTRAC delivers high-exposure doses necessary for rapid clearing without risk of damage to healthy skin.

Individuals with mild to moderate psoriasis can often obtain relief in just four to ten brief treatment sessions. You may see some results after just one treatment. Most treatment sessions last only a few minutes – in fact, less than 5 minutes – compared to rigorous daily skin care regimins or weeks of phototherapy sessions.

Laser Treatment for Vitiligo

If you suffer from vitiligo you know the frustrations, white spots that cause uneven skin color and no current effective treatment. Finally—you may be able to enjoy effective relief from the unsightly symptoms of vitiligo. With the revolutionary XTRAC excimer laser system, you can feel good about yourself again. With treatment sessions which can last just a few minutes, the XTRAC can change your life.